The Buyid dynasty, or the Buyids was a Shia Iranian dynasty of Daylamite origin. Coupled with the rise of other Iranian dynasties in the region, the approximate century of Buyid rule represents the period in Iranian history sometimes called the ‘Iranian Intermezzo’ since, after the Muslim conquest of Persia, it was an interlude between the rule of the Abbasid Caliphate and the Seljuk Empire.
The Buyid dynasty was founded by ‘Ali ibn Buya, who in 934 conquered Fars and made Shiraz his capital. His younger brother Hasan ibn Buya conquered parts of Jibal in the late 930s, and by 943 managed to capture Ray, which he made his capital. In 945, the youngest brother, Ahmad ibn Buya, conquered Iraq and made Baghdad his capital. He received the laqab or honorific title of Mu’izz al-Dawla (“Fortifier of the State”). The eldest, ‘Ali, was given the title of ‘Imad al-Dawla (“Support of the State”), and Hasan was given the title of Rukn al-Dawla (“Pillar of the State”).
As Daylamite Iranians, the Buyids consciously revived symbols and practices of Iran’s Sasanian Empire. Beginning with ‘Adud al-Dawla, they used the ancient Sasanian title Shahanshah, literally “king of kings”.
At its greatest extent, the Buyid dynasty encompassed territory of most of today’s Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, and Syria, along with parts of Oman, the UAE, Turkey, Afghanistan and Pakistan. During the 10th and 11th centuries, just prior to the invasion of the Seljuq Turks, the Buyids were the most influential dynasty in the Middle East. Under king ‘Adud al-Dawla, it became briefly the most powerful dynasty in the Middle East.
Brief History
Major rulers
Generally, the three most powerful Buyid amirs at any given time were those in control of Fars, Jibal and Iraq. Sometimes a ruler would come to rule more than one region, but no Buyid rulers ever exercised direct control of all three regions.
Buyids in Fars
- Imad al-Dawla (934–949)
- ‘Adud al-Dawla (949–983)
- Sharaf al-Dawla (983–989)
- Samsam al-Dawla (989–998)
- Baha’ al-Dawla (998–1012)
- Sultan al-Dawla (1012–1024)
- Abu Kalijar (1024–1048)
- Abu Mansur Fulad Sutun (1048–1051)
- Abu Sa’d Khusrau Shah (1051–1054)
- Abu Mansur Fulad Sutun (1051–1062)
Buyids in Ray
- Rukn al-Dawla (935–976)
- Fakhr al-Dawla (976–980)
- Mu’ayyad al-Dawla (980–983)
- Fakhr al-Dawla (restored) (984–997)
- Majd al-Dawla (997–1029)
Buyids in Iraq
- Mu’izz al-Dawla (945–967)
- ‘Izz al-Dawla (966–978)
- ‘Adud al-Dawla (978–983)
- Samsam al-Dawla (983–987)
- Sharaf al-Dawla (987–989)
- Baha’ al-Dawla (989–1012)
- Sultan al-Dawla (1012–1021)
- Musharrif al-Dawla (1021–1025)
- Jalal al-Dawla (1025–1044)
- Abu Kalijar (1044–1048)
- Al-Malik al-Rahim (1048–1055)