The Nasrid dynasty, also referred to as the Later Saffarids of Seistan or the Maliks of Nimruz, was an Iranian Sunni dynasty that ruled Sistan in the power vacuum left by the collapse of the Ghaznavid Empire and until the Mongol invasion of Central Asia. The Nasrids were a branch of the Saffarid dynasty, and the establishment of the Nasrid Kingdom at Nimruz in 1068 until its dissolution in 1225 represents a transient resurgence of Saffarid rule in Sistan.
The kingdom was established by Tadj al-Din I Abu l-Fadl Nasr who was the Malik of Sistan under the Ghaznavids. Nasrid maliks ruled intermittently as sovereigns or vassals of larger neighbouring powers, including the Seljuks, the Ghurids, and the Khwarezmians. After the dissolution of the kingdom by Inaltigin Khwarazmi in the wake of the Mongol invasion, the region was ruled by the third dynasty of Saffarids, the Mihrabanids.
Brief History
Nasrid Maliks
- Tadj al-Din I Abu l-Fadl Nasr (1029-1073)
- Baha al-Dawala Tahir ibn Nasr (1073-1088)
- Badr al-Dawala Abu ‘l-‘Abbas ibn Nasr (1088-1090)
- Baha al-Dawala Khalaf ibn Nasr (1090-1106)
- Taj al-Din II Nasr ibn Khalaf (1106-1169)
- Taj al-Din III Harb ibn Muhammad ibn Nasr (1169-1213)
- Yamin al-Din Bahram Shah ibn Harb (1213-1221)
- Taj al-Din IV Nasr ibn Bahram Shah (1221-1221)
- Shihab al-Din Mahmud I ibn Harb (1221-1225)
- Rukn al-Din Mahmud ibn Bahram Shah (1221-1222)
- Abu ‘l-Muzaffar Ali ibn Harb (1222-1222)
- Ala al-Din Ahmad ibn Uthman Nasr al-Din ibn Harb (1223-1223)
- Uthman Shah ibn Uthman Nasr al-Din ibn Harb (1225-1225)